Plenary - ECONOMY and TECHNOLOGY: the essential combination for the reboot

FireEye | Cyber security, a key pillar to drive the changeover
June, 15 | 12:15 - 12:30

The ransomware problem continues to claim victims. We have all seen the impact that ransomware can have on fundamental activities for companies and even individuals; organizations across all sectors must remain vigilant to reduce risk and combat threats. Threatened groups are constantly changing tactics, techniques and procedures to try to circumvent security, and defenders must keep up. The age of the IoT represents a shift in cybersecurity because technology is managed, and consequently protected, by end users rather than by corporate IT departments. In a hyper-connected world where the Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly converging, any device or user becomes a potential target.
With the increase in digitization, both in the private and public spheres, it is in fact necessary to significantly enhance the ability to prevent, monitor and defend citizens, private companies and the PA against cyber-type attacks and incidents.
FireEye Mandiant's frontline experience and intelligence, combined with innovative technology, provide the best tools to protect customers from cyber threats.